Students Health Dialogue (SHD)
For two years now the SHD has been working side-by-side with Ukrainian fellow students and the German organisation "Safely in Love" (federal prevention programme of the national association of all medical students’ representations, bmvd) in elaborating a sexual education curriculum for Ukrainian youths in schools and non-school institutions. The main focus is to impart basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS, but other subjects relevant to the participants like sexuality, love, self-determination are also being discussed.The tutorial module is completely designed for interaction, i.e. pupils participate actively in role plays and group activities. Another bonus factor is the youth and role of the docents - problems and concerns of puberty is not yet a distant memory for them. Plus, pupils can better relate to them due to their student status.
SHD meets MSV... in Witten
Mit Sicherheit Verliebt e.V. (MSV) ist das offizielle Aufklärungsprojekt des medizinischen Fachschaftsverbandes in Deutschland (BVMD). Über 300 Studierende machen seit Jahren erfolgreich Basisarbeit in der Prävention und Sexualaufklärung in deutschen Schulen. Schon seit Beginn der Arbeit des SHD arbeiten wir eng mit dem MSV Programm zusammen. Nun waren wir an der Universität Witten/Herdecke erstmals Ausrichter eines Bundesweiten Trainer-Workshops.
For further reading go to: SHD meets MSV... in Witten
July 02, 2006 |
Category: telemedizina