Clinical Partnership between the Donetsk AIDS Centre and the Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria Clinical Centre Berlin (AVK)
Since 2006 the clinic partnership allows an immediate exchange among colleagues about diagnostic and therapeutic options in the inpatient care for people with HIV/AIDS. Besides regular observations and assessments in both clinics, results and treatment strategies will be in the future discussed online on a telematics platform. Read more...
Assessment 2008 in Donetsk.

Ward physicians Evgenij and Solodenko performing ultrasound scans in the AIDS ward
Following the successful observation of ward physician Dr. Kostantin Solodenko in August and September 2007 in the AVK a new visit was paid to Donetsk in July 2008.
During his observation in the AVK Dr. Solodenko had been instructed especially in performing and evaluating sonographic exams. Afterwards he shared his knowledge with his three colleagues from the ward for internal medicine of the Donetsk AIDS Centre.
The second assessment provided the possibility to discuss questions that arose in the context of ultrasound scans with two physicians and a health care staff member of the AVK. _The second visit focussed on discussing the next steps within the framework of the clinic partnership. It was determined that the constant exchange about diagnostic and nursing/care issue shall be the main focus. A telematics platform will be established in order to guarantee this exchange as soon as possible. Contents and technical requirements have been discussed in detail with the director of the AIDS Centre and the ward physicians of the AIDS ward.
July 19, 2008 |
Category: Clinic Partnership
Why a Clinic Partnership?
Already since 2002 Berlin-trained diagnostics, therapy and HIV/AIDS care courses are conducted in Eastern Europe, and in particular in Ukraine. Responsible for organisation and conduct of most of those training modules is a group of individuals from the environment of the Clinic for Internal Medicine - Infectiology / Gastroenterology of the AVK and its Immunological Day Hospital.
For further reading go to: Why a Clinic Partnership?
March 29, 2008 |
Category: Clinic Partnership
Observation in 2007 for Further Training in Diagnostics and Treatment.
One month after the 2007 Assessment in Donetsk the first observation within the scope of the clinic partnership took place. In August and September 2007 Dr. Konstantyn Solodenko, ward physician of the Donetsk AIDS ward, visited, i.e. sat in, for six weeks in the clinics for Infectiology and Gastroenterology of the Vivantes Auguste Viktoria Clinical Centre (AVK) in Berlin.
For further reading go to: Observation in 2007 for Further Training in Diagnostics and Treatment.
November 14, 2007 |
Category: Clinic Partnership
Assessment 2007 in Donetsk
The first assessment took place in July 2007 within the framework of the Physician's/Medical Programme in the Donetsk AIDS Centre and its new AIDS ward. As regards content, the focus was on getting acquainted with the routine in the AIDS ward and the policlinic of the AIDS centre as well as the possibilities in diagnostics and on laboratory scale plus the availability of medication. It turned out that the staff disposed only of limited individual diagnostics technology or licenses. For many exams patients have to be transferred to other clinics, which are not specialised in HIV.
The assessment also served to become familiar with some of the AIDS Centre's cooperation partners. Together with one of the ward physicians of the AIDS ward initial talks were held in the regional clinic, the municipal tuberculosis clinic, the municipal substitution therapy department as well as with a self-help group.
Christoph Weber's visit report describes this assessment from his medical perspective. Apart from an introduction into the situation of the HIV epidemic in Ukraine and in Donetsk, this report describes the medical care structure for HIV in the oblast and the city of Donetsk, with a focus on a portrayal of the AIDS ward and the AIDS Centre Donetsk. In addition to that, he also describes the care infrastructure for tuberculosis patients and the very limited options for substitution therapy for injecting drug users.
Visit Report Donetsk, Ukraine - July 2007 (PDF, 170 kb)
September 19, 2007 |
Category: Clinic Partnership
The Donetsk AIDS Centre
The AIDS centre of the oblast (province) Donetsk was already established in the mid-1990s, hence it is the oldest in the Ukraine. The oldest urban AIDS centre in Ukraine is located in the nearby city of Gurlowka, which already exists for 15 years now and the experiences there had caused head physician Dr. Nikolai Graschdanow to found the district AIDS centre.
For further reading go to: The Donetsk AIDS Centre
July 23, 2006 |
Category: Clinic Partnership