The Care Programme Nadeshda – A Nurse Training Programme for the Home Care of People infected with AIDS
Since 1997 Caritas Ukraine is establishing home care in several Ukrainian cities so as to provide a more comprehensive care of old and so-called invalid people. Establishing home care is all the more important since people are not adequately supplied by the post-Soviet health system. At the same time it something new, since family and friends are primarily the traditional caregivers of sick people, not nurses. Thanks to financial aid by the EU this provision for people living with HIV and AIDS could be extended in 2005. The qualification and sensitisation of nurses for their multidimensional work with people affected by HIV and AIDS and their families are facilitated by a co-operation of Caritas Ukraine with professionals from the curative and palliative sectors in Berlin. Regular tutorials aim to impart knowledge and tackle discrimination and stigmatisation together.
Training Course: Qualification for Ukrainian Nurses in Home Care for People Living with HIV and AIDS
A co-operation between Caritas Ukraine, the Felix Pflegeteam Berlin (a Berlin patient care team) and the Day Hospital of the Auguste Viktoria Clinical Centre in Berlin
For further reading go to: Training Course: Qualification for Ukrainian Nurses in Home Care for People Living with HIV and AIDS
July 23, 2006 |
Category: Care Programme