About us
We are a network of persons committed to people living with HIV and AIDS in Ukraine.Most of us are involved in this issue since 2002. When we started outwork, conditions were much worse than they are today in many aspects.
The Ukrainian government denied the epidemic
Patient care, inadequate to this day, was a disaster. Filming in these sectors could only take place secretly. Many of this has improved with the Orange Revolution.
Thus, in a manner a speaking, the humanitarian projects that grew out of our circle are all tried and tested. Every one of us has had its brush with the in Ukraine omnipresent corruption, and saw aid funds disappear.
Ukraine is a country in transition.
As long as there are no reliable strcutures granting integrity, we depend on finding partners who personally behave integer. With them we can then develop projects that make sense for them and to us. Full size projects on a human scale.
Though the more ardous path, it is even more effective in view of the circumstances. We set great value on documentation and evaluation, so as to make projects exemplary and imitable.
Finally let me mention that we are largely from Berln: from the Auguste-Viktoria Clinical Centre, from the Felix-Pflegeteam, from the Berlin AIDS Federation (BAH), and from the Universiy of Witten/Herdecke.